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Sent when a user fills payment info during checkout.
Sent when a user adds shipping info during checkout.
Sent when a user adds an item to their cart.
Sent when a user adds to wishlist.
Sent when a user sees checkout.
Sent when a lead has converted.
Sent when a lead is marked as non-converting lead.
The dataLayer is a JavaScript object that temporarily stores data about user interactions with a website or app.
Sent when a lead becomes disqualified.
Sent when a lead submits a lead form.
Sent when a user joins a group or team.
Sent when a player reached the end in a level of a game.
Sent when a player has started a level.
Sent when a player leveled up.
Sent when a user logs in.
Sent when a player posts a score.
Sent when a user purchases one or more items.
Sent when a lead becomes a qualified lead.
Sent when items is refunded to a user.
Sent when a user removes items from their cart.
Sent when a user performs a site search.
Sent when a user selects content.
Sent when a user selects an item.
Sent when a user selects a promotion.
Sent when a user shares content.
Sent when a user signs up for an account.
Sent when a player purchases in-game currency.
Sent when a player starts onboarding.
Sent when a player completes onboarding.
Sent when a player unlocks achivements.
Sent when a user views their shopping cart
Sent when a user views an item.
Sent when a user views a list of items.
Sent when a user views a promotion.
Sent when a lead contacts or is contacted.
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Who benefits
Marketing agencies
Data analysts
Web agencies
Use cases
Google Analytics 4
Digital marketing
Web analytics
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